Ormala Krishnan, PhD


Years with Mondrian


Years with Industry

Ormala Krishnan, PhD

CIO Small Cap Equities, Managing Partner

Dr. Krishnan is the CIO of Mondrian’s small cap strategies including Developed Small Cap and Emerging Markets Small Cap. Dr. Krishnan started her investment career in 1993 with Singapore based Koeneman Capital Management. Prior to joining Mondrian in 2000 as a portfolio manager, Dr. Krishnan was an investment consultant with William M Mercer. Upon completion of her BSc in Pure and Applied Mathematics from the National University of Singapore, Dr. Krishnan achieved her MSc in Actuarial Science from City University, London. In 2006, Dr. Krishnan completed her Doctoral program in Investment and Finance from Sir John Cass Business School, City of London. Her doctoral thesis was on ‘Value versus Growth in the Asian Equity Markets’.

Other Small Cap Equities Team Members

Graeme R. Coll

Head of Emerging Markets Small Cap

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Bhavin Manek

Senior Portfolio Manager

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Aidan Nicholson

Senior Portfolio Manager

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Charl Basson

Portfolio Manager

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Alastair Cornwell

Portfolio Manager

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Elina Grinchenko

Portfolio Manager

Read more about Elina Grinchenko

Thomas Morgan

Assistant Portfolio Manager

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Harry Anderson

Assistant Portfolio Manager

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Zubeyr Singh

Assistant Portfolio Manager

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Other Mondrian Team Members

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