Global Equities

Mondrian is an active value-oriented defensive manager. In the management of global equity assets, Mondrian invests in securities where rigorous dividend discount analysis identifies value in terms of the long-term flow of income. Dividend yield and future real growth in dividends play a central role in the firm’s decision-making process and over time the dividend component is expected to be a meaningful portion of the expected total return. Mondrian’s methodology is consistently applied to individual securities across all markets and industries. This enables Mondrian to choose the most attractively valued securities globally using one consistent investment methodology.


Why Mondrian for Global Equities?

Mondrian’s investment approach endeavors to generate three specific investment objectives: 

Mondrian’s Global Equity team is based in London, UK. Mondrian’s investment teams take pointed views at both the market and security level. Each team member is assigned country and sector research responsibilities. We employ a consensus driven decision making process with the head of the team having the casting vote. Extensive dialogue amongst the group is paramount to ensure a consistent valuation approach.

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London EC2M 5TQ
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6 Battery Road
Unit 27–04